This event is free for Betaworks Studios and Next Big Idea Club members. Tickets are available to non-members for $10.
Join us for a special lunch event with Yancey Strickler, author of the new book This Could Be Our Future: A Manifesto for a More Generous World. Yancey is a co-founder and former CEO of Kickstarter, the public-benefit corporation that has connected millions of backers with creative projects. His new book offers a vision for building a society that looks beyond money and toward maximizing the values that make life worth living.
Yancey will be interviewed by Rufus Griscom, serial entrepreneur and founder of the Next Big Idea Club, a subscription box book club curated by world-leading thinkers Malcolm Gladwell (Blink, Outliers, Talking to Strangers), Susan Cain (Quiet) Adam Grant (Give and Take, Originals), and Daniel Pink (Drive, To Sell Is Human, When). Discover the best new nonfiction books of the season at
Lunch will be served.
“Yancey Strickler is convinced that our value system is broken. In this lucid book, he lays out a vision for how to fix it that’s both audacious and elevating. It’s a thought-provoking read for anyone who knows there’s more to life than accumulating wealth.”
— Adam Grant, New York Times bestselling author of Give and Take, Originals, and coauthor of Option B