The tricky business of staying healthy is just that—a business. Gyms want to sell you memberships, diet companies want to sell you meal plans, and tech companies want to sell you sleep trackers.
So how can we cut through the noise to discover real, meaningful wisdom on eating, sleeping, and staying healthy? Fortunately, the two new books below offer us a promising head start.

Life Time: Your Body Clock and Its Essential Roles in Good Health and Sleep
By Russell Foster
An award-winning scientist brings decades of study to this journey through the circadian rhythms that dominate our days and nights, showing how the realities of 24/7 life disrupt the body clock and take a toll on sleep, mental health, and physical health. Listen to our Book Bite summary, read by author Russell Foster, in the Next Big Idea App

Anxious Eaters: Why We Fall for Fad Diets
By Janet Chrzan and Kima Cargill
Considering dietary beliefs and practices in terms of culture, nutrition, and individual psychological needs, Anxious Eaters refrains from moralizing or promoting a “right” way to eat, instead offering new ways of understanding the popularity of a wide range of eating trends. Listen to our Book Bite summary, read by co-author Janet Chrzan, in the Next Big Idea App
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