An insidious myth has persisted in our loud, busy world: that being an introvert is a defect, a personal failing for which one must work hard to compensate.
But the truth is that being an introvert is a beautiful, joyful thing. So if you gravitate toward quiet contemplation over raucous parties, check out the three books below to discover why your introversion is a strength to be celebrated.

The Powerful Purpose of Introverts: Why the World Needs You to Be You
By Holley Gerth
In this eye-opening book, a bestselling author dives into the psychological, neurological, relational, and spiritual aspects of being an introvert. She also explains how introverts can live with clarity, courage, and confidence in a world that needs what only they can give. Listen to our Book Bite summary, read by author Holley Gerth, in the Next Big Idea App

Get Out of My Head: Inspiration for Overthinkers in an Anxious World
By Meredith Arthur
This beautifully illustrated guide walks readers through the process of building awareness around anxiety, identifying triggers, moving through blocks, building healthy boundaries, and developing an arsenal of tools for thriving. Listen to our Book Bite summary, read by author Meredith Arthur, in the Next Big Idea App

The Introvert’s Edge to Networking: Work the Room. Leverage Social Media. Develop Powerful Connections
By Matthew Pollard
One of the biggest myths that plagues the business world today is that our ability to network depends on having the “gift-of-gab.” But you don’t have to be outgoing to be successful at networking—in fact, you don’t have to act like an extrovert at all. Listen to our Book Bite summary, read by author Matthew Pollard, in the Next Big Idea App
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