The Happiness Lessons I’ve Learned by Age 45
Magazine / The Happiness Lessons I’ve Learned by Age 45

The Happiness Lessons I’ve Learned by Age 45

The Happiness Lessons I’ve Learned by Age 45

Today I turn 45. I thought this would be a great time to reflect on a few things I’ve learned….

  • The moment you choose self-acceptance and self-love is the beginning of true self-care.
  • The saying “Don’t sweat the small stuff” is easy advice to hear but harder to implement. I’m learning that being grounded in my core values and having specific weekly goals and daily plans is necessary if I am to follow this sage advice.
  • Everyone has a unique perspective, personality, purpose and path. Appreciate and respect that.
  • Sufficient sleep is absolutely the most important thing/nutrient to generate energy, focus, and enthusiasm in my daily life.
  • Never say never.
  • Completing the smallest daily tasks helps promote greater discipline in other aspects of living.
  • Love and support make the hardest times bearable.
  • It’s important to ask for help when you need it as long as it’s not all the time.
  • Rituals help personalize our lives and make living more meaningful, even if it’s just a cup of coffee with the New York Times in the morning.
  • Society continuously teaches us to focus on success and priorities as defined by others. To combat this powerful socialization, we must get quiet so they can tune into what we most value and cherish.
  • Spending time outside regularly is important to do for many many reasons.
  • Failure often directs us to the path we were meant to be on.
  • Friends are so important for joyful living.
  • Developing new beliefs and reactions leads to happiness, maturity, and sustainable behavior. Achieving this takes deep commitment but also permission to not be perfect.
  • Our children are the most amazing teachers.
  • Resisting anything we don’t like or want ironically makes it stronger. Acceptance is necessary for authentic solutions.

My gift to myself for this birthday is to dedicate this next year to learning more about and cultivating harmony.  Harmony is a word I rarely think of or use. But I heard it recently and it stirred me deeply.

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