You’re proud of your business. You believe in the product or service you’re providing—now you just have to get others to sit up and take notice. But with 5.4 million new business applications filed in the U.S. in 2021 alone, what steps can you take to truly stand out?
Fortunately, we have an answer for you. Or rather, we know a handful of brilliant thinkers who do. Check out the five remarkable books below to discover how other companies are making an impact—and how yours can, too.

Ideaflow: The Only Business Metric That Matters
By Jeremy Utley and Perry Klebahn
With the proven system in this book, entrepreneurs, managers, and leaders will learn how to tap into surprising and valuable ideas on demand and fill the creative pipeline with breakthrough ideas. Listen to our Book Bite summary, read by co-authors Jeremy Utley and Perry Klebahn, in the Next Big Idea App

Process!: How Discipline and Consistency Will Set You and Your Business Free
By Mike Paton and Lisa González
This deep-dive into the revolutionary EOS method to strengthen a company’s process component will help leaders at all companies—from early stage startups to established corporations—run better businesses and live better lives. Listen to our Book Bite summary, read by co-author Lisa González, in the Next Big Idea App

The Tao of Alibaba: Inside the Chinese Digital Giant That Is Changing the World
By Brian A. Wong
From a long-time Alibaba executive and former special assistant to Jack Ma, this is the first book to articulate how Alibaba’s unique culture and “tai chi” management principles are providing a business and economic development model for the rest of the world. Listen to our Book Bite summary, read by author Brian A. Wong, in the Next Big Idea App

The Unicorn Within: How Companies Can Create Game-Changing Ventures at Startup Speed
By Linda Yates
Imagine if the multinational hotel groups had founded Airbnb, or the big auto companies had launched Uber, or Blockbuster had created Netflix. Large companies can start new ventures. You have ideas, talent, brand, and capital, and you can strike back. Listen to our Book Bite summary, read by author Linda Yates, in the Next Big Idea App

Decisions Over Decimals: Striking the Balance Between Intuition and Information
By Christopher Frank, Paul Magnone, and Oded Netzer
Uniquely bridging theory and practice, Decisions Over Decimals unites data intelligence with human judgment to get to action—a sharp approach the authors refer to as Quantitative Intuition (QI). Listen to our Book Bite summary, read by co-authors Christopher Frank, Paul Magnone, and Oded Netzer, in the Next Big Idea App
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